Meet our expert team of in-house underwriters, claims staff, surveyors, and support staff who help make Sunderland Marine your insurer of choice.
Phil Allison
Senior Underwriter and Responsible Manager (Australia)
Sarah Alsop
Reinsurance Accountant
Anna Athanasiadis
Underwriting Executive - Sunderland Marine
Chris Barrett
Head of New Zealand - Sunderland Marine
Mia Bredenberg
Head of Australia - Sunderland Marine
Steve Bryant
Senior Underwriter
David Burke
Senior Underwriter – Sunderland Marine
Julie Cannell
Financial Accountant
Andrew Carre
Claims Senior Executive - Sunderland Marine
Nicola Cook
Senior Underwriting Executive
Aliesha Cropp
Underwriting Assistant - Sunderland Marine
Graham Darke
Claims Director – Sunderland Marine
Ed Davies
Chief Strategy Officer
Rhian Gibson
Marketing Executive
Michael Gristwood
Senior Underwriter – Sunderland Marine
Michael Hendy
Calvin Hillary
Senior Underwriting Executive - Aquaculture
Wilf How
Head of Aquaculture Claims
Robert Hunt
Underwriting Director - Coastal & Inland Class
Paul Jennings
Managing Director