This section provides a general guide to steps you should take in the event of a potential stock mortality claim on your policy and how we typically respond.

As every loss is slightly different, this is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. If you are in any doubt please contact a member of the Aquaculture team who will be happy to assist.

The Sunderland Marine aquaculture policy covers escapes following an event and mortality either as an event or for disease, should it become clinical and mortality start to increase above normal levels.

Following a loss of stock or rise in mortality:

You are expected to submit your claim for review by Sunderland Marine and/or an independent loss adjuster. Guidance will be provided for the specific requirements.


  • If applicable, veterinary advice should be sought to identify and verify the cause of the mortality.
  • If the cause of loss is thought to be a disease and a disease period is required it should be started by a proactive statement followed up in writing e.g. I wish to start the disease period for X disease today.
  • Mortalities should be quantified and be retained for review by the loss adjuster. If this is not practicable then photographs of the mortalities may be acceptable. However, authorisation must first be received from Sunderland Marine before disposal of mortalities in the case of the latter.
  • Weekly mortality records should be sent during an active disease period.
  • Keep and provide all records related to the potential claim including original documentation for example, scribbled handwritten notes when the mort’s are counted even if uploaded onto a computer record.
  • We will send you a Claim Form to be completed as fully as possible, signed and returned to us. It is important that the Claim Form is completed fully (and signed) as failure to do so could slow down the handling of your claim.
  • We will keep you up to date on the progression of the claim and will respond to any questions that you may have.
  • You are expected to submit your claim for review by the independent loss adjuster and Sunderland Marine. Guidance will be provided for the specific requirements.
  • We will seek to gather all relevant additional documentation and information as soon as possible to enable us to deal with your claim promptly and fairly within the terms of your policy.

We understand the financial and time pressures faced by our clients following an incident and we pride ourselves on providing a prompt and transparent claims service.

This is provided for information only and does not form part of the policy wording. Refer to your Schedule of Insurance, the Certificate of Insurance and the General Conditions.

For more information on our aquaculture stock claims policy, please contact us.

Aquaculture Claims Form

Aquaculture Damage Report & Claim Form (Stock & Equipment)
